Regaining a Great Commission Vision for Your Congregation
Have you ever looked in a mirror and been surprised (“Am I really that old?”)? Sometimes you have to look at yourself in the mirror to see who you really are. And not one of those fun house mirrors that distort the picture. You need an accurate mirror to do an accurate self-assessment.
Churches need a mirror too. The Flourish Church Health Assessment gives your team an accurate read on where you’ve been and where you are today. A Flourish coach takes you through the report and helps you figure out where God might be calling you in the future.
12 Weeks to Know to Whom God is Sending You
Flourish walks with an Envisioning team over approximately 12 weeks to train the team, coach the team, conduct a retreat, and advise on how to present the results to the church Board or Session. An informed, wise, and dedicated Flourish staff member will serve as your point person throughout the process.
Congregational Surveys
When we open the toolbox that are you congregants what will we find? What does your congregation value currently and to what does it aspire? What gifts is the Holy Spirit expressing in your people currently?
Core Values Survey
Spiritual Gifts Survey
Interviews with Community and Ministry Leaders
Jesus calls us to love our neighbors. What are the needs of your neighbors? It is likely that your community leaders and other ministry leaders in your geography are aware of your neighbors needs. Your Envisioning Team will interview at least 20 of these leaders to better understand the needs of your neighbors.

Jesus calls us to love our neighbors. Who are your neighbors? What are the trends like in your neighborhood? What are the current belief systems of the people surrounding your facility or meeting place? Given who the people God has called you to love, are there changes to your church's ministry that might be appropriate?
Not cheap, but worth the price
The ways various ministries seek to help a church find a Great Commission direction are cumbersome and expensive.
Flourish's Envisioning process is scalable and suitable for use for any congregation, from the largest and most complex to the smallest of church environments. Flourish's Envisioning can be offered for as little as $10,000 plus the costs of two trips onsite.