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Renewal Workshops

by Flourish

Pastoral and ministry leaders seeking to renew their congregations in the gospel want to sharpen their skills and experience the hope of the gospel for themselves. 


Our workshops are designed around adult learning styles, incorporating teaching, discussion, exercises, and reflection. We focus on grace and hope for leaders. At the same time, our workshops sharpen strategic thinking and situational awareness.


Renewal workshops can be offered in retreats, one-day or multi-day formats for individual churches or groups of churches, or as breakout sessions at conferences. Individual workshops can be abbreviated or broadened based on the needs of the host.


One full day of training can be offered onsite for $1,000 plus travel expenses. Cost can be shared by the host site, organization, or attendees.


Flourish offers a number of different workshop modules that can be mixed and matched for a training event.

A Healthy Community of Churches

Communities of churches need renewal just like individual Christians and churches. They drift from their mission, become myopic, tedious, and contentious. Would you like to see your community of congregations renewed?

Strategic Planning

How do you make big changes? How do you introduce deeper discipleship? When do you get make an adjustment to the major aspects of your church?

Leading Change

Not every pastor is good at leading change. Many are good at caring for their people and providing steady pastoral leadership from the pulpit and at the bedside. But the process of Church renewal is at the very least a series of intentional conflicts. Change isn’t easy.

Getting Off The Evangelism Plateau

When was the last time your church saw someone come to Christ? How could things move in a new direction at your church? How could you begin to get off the evangelism plateau?

The Gospel for the Ministry Leader

The last house to be finished is often the carpenter's. The same goes for gospel ministry - the last person to hear the gospel of their brokenness and God’s grace is pastor or ministry leader.

Managing Yourself

When pastors and ministry leaders attend renewal and revitalization conferences, they’re often given a plan to lead change. But what if there’s a deficit in strategically planning for yourself?

Church Life Cycle

Where is your church in its life cycle? Every organism has a lifecycle. Seeds sprout, plants flourish, and without cultivation, they might die. Churches are no different.

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